Week 1 Yoga course

Week 1 yoga course complete. I admit I am a little late and a little slack. The goal setting exercise was a very timely reminder of my intention to finish the whole course.

My goal is as follows:

To work a little mindfulness into every day

This my be anything fromĀ  a formal practice or a 5 minutes on the balcony using all of my senses.

I came to this particular goal because I have been wanting to incorporate mindfulness in my daily routine for some time but I have not allowed myself the time. I am looking forward to spending more of my time and energy in the present moment.


The Science and Practice of Yoga

I am a physiotherapist living and working on the sunny Fleurieu Penisula of South Australia. I have enrolled in the Science and Practice of Yoga course via Edx to learn more about yoga and try and improve my classes and my personal practice. I am looking forward to seeing where this venture takes me both personally and in my career
